Lorane Rhoden – The Fashionista Journalist That Can

Petite with an amazing style, Lorane Rhoden can be classified as the anti-Jamaican, where her sense of style is concerned. She accessorizes differently. Rane will wear a long dark colored scarf made from a light material in the scorching New Kingston afternoon sun, yet you wouldn’t say that she is out of her mind. She just puts it together well dammit!

I would like to think that young wannabe island “hot girls” envy her for being able to look like the haute trendsetters they see on television and high end fashion magazines a la Gossip Girl. No one knows where they went wrong. But, Lorane does, and she actually cares – hence her fashion blog http:// hautepeople.blogspot.com that gives tips on where to buy, how to wear what you buy, and the likes.


*State your profession. – Journalist

*You have a Bachelors in Communications yet you are inclined more towards fashion. Explain. – Communication is the activity of conveying information, i was always intrigued by the English Language and the way it determines one’s place in society.However , most of my life i have been creative : drawing and experimenting with different mediums. Fashion overall is something that i enjoy. It fuses music, lifestyle fantasy and reality.

*What areas of the fashion industry do you admire most? – Definitely, Fashion Design and Merchandise Marketing.

*Why didn’t you study fashion? – I have no idea. Like seriously, I think it’s because I’d want to go to a creative school like F.I.D.M and be around other creative weirdos (like myself). Unfortunately, going overseas was not an option for me at that time.

*How did the idea for your fashion blog come about? – That’s quite a story. I have another blog where I wrote about “a bunch a tings” including people’s business. I was actually encouraged by one of my former friends to actually write about something I’m good at instead of peoples’ business {she smiles}

*Where does your inspiration come from? – Everything! Literally – if I see a piece of paper that looks – unique to me. That’s my inspiration.

*Any Jamaican designers you admire? – I like Uzuri . I don’t even know if they are still around. But they have/had some really classy stuff.

*You have seen me in work attire. How would you describe my swag? Be honest, I can take it. – OMG! Girl. I’d define your style as “tomboy chic”. You wore a lot of pant suits for a slim person. But then – you’d sometimes wear really nice boots

*You have the opportunity of a lifetime to work with only one high end designer. Who would it be? – OK. Can I go back in time? Most definitely the late great Alexander McQueen. His designs were over the top and out of this world. It was like he had a time machine or sum’n and went into the future to see the hot trends. His designs are auh mazing, they are like wearable art.

*Doutzen Kros or Devon Aoki? – Doutzen Kros. She’s been featured in all the high end magazines ranging from Vogue to Avantgarde. Plus, she’s a V.S. angel. That’s like a high esteem in the modelling world.

*Tyson Beckford or Kibwe? – Definitely Tyson! Have you seen his abs, or his eyes? And that smile! Hot damn! {moment of silence please} It’s like he was created for my viewing pleasure {smiles}. The man is an Adonis. No sah! {laughs out loud}. He is too foine.It’s almost unfair.

*What is your dream job? – To be a successful Journalist with my own tres’ chic production company. And to have my own E! True Hollywood Story {smiles}


The inspiration is free.

The Musician who Teaches

Carlos Muciño is the kind of guy you would consider to be pleasantly awkward when you speak to him because he trys not to offend you or make you feel uncomfortable. A really intelligent person who knows a lot about his Mexican history, Carlos will tell you the truth about politics, social mishappenings and the likes without seeming arrogant.

He is passionate about teaching the English language. You can tell he dislikes ignorance in others, however, he tolerates it and is most diplomatic with his approach.

Currently living in Pamplona, Spain where he continues to create great music – I heard the track titled “The End” – Carlos, the teaching musician, has embarked upon a new adventure.

Carlos at the bus stop.

What is your profession Carlos? – I have a degree in Philosophy and English  Teacher.

Use five adjectives to describe yourself. – Restless, daydreamer, messy sometimes, creative, adventurous.

Why Spain? – Well, to be honest I just started keeping in touch again with my junior highschool girlfriend and we fell in love just as deeply and darn corny way or even more than we did in teenager times. She had been here for a couple of years and I had been feeling like kind of empty and unhappy with the current job I had so I decided to make the move.

Plaza del Castillo

You are a musician. What inspired you to go that route? – I think musicians in general use music as a means of communication and catharsis. On my opinion it is like a deeper state of soul to soul communication. It is something sometimes words themselves cannot get to express and I may need to express myself that way.

What instruments do you use for your craft? – I play the guitar, the harmonica, some keyboards, and still need to work harder and improve at drums.
I like singing but I am not a singer. Song writing is what I think I can do well.

What inspires you to write music? – Sometimes states of being and the need of taking out deep and strong emotions opinions and ideas that some others might communicate by chatting or interacting with people in different ways. I think we all have things to say, but music is the channel some of us need to use. It´s like words wrapped with strong feelings.

Have you taken it to the professional level? – No.  I have talked to some professionals and I think some of them stop enjoying it somehow when it becomes a business and something that you must do.  Amateurs enjoy doing it. That is me. Music is my life.

Describe Spain’s music scene. – Well, besides that pop music we all know in Mexico, like Mecano, Alejandro Sanz and the stuff, The good rock
bands and performers like Miguel Rios and Sabina, The folk music here is very special and emotional. Spanish guitars sound awesome and the flamenco music and dance has its own peculiar taste. It is great.

Carlos' neighbourhood.

Is it different from that of Mexico? – Well traditional music here is the Flamenco, Alegrías and the like. I am getting to learn more about that. This music is usually performed by a guitar player who sometimes is also the singer and a single dancer or a group of dancers while Mariachi music is performed by usually a group of at least 7 musicians. More instruments are involved here. Spanish flamenco guitar players are tremendously skillful. Not everyone can get to play that music well. I can say pop music here and there is quite similar. I am Mexican and maybe that is why I find Mariachi music more touchy and meaningful but I know this is mainly because of my culture and it does not necessarily mean that Mexican music is better.

Congreso de los Diputados, Madrid

You are a fan of the reggae band Chalice. One of the members lives on the same street as me. When did you first hear their music? – Well, when I was 22 I enjoyed listening to Reggae music and most of people in Mexico knew about Bob Marley. I am now turning 44.  Once a friend of mine shared with me the Chalice band song “I´m trying”. I got impressed and kept on listening more. They went to Mexico soon and I was there to enjoy their great music. “I´m trying, to keep the music from dying”… I can hear that song in my mind right now. I really like and I can see how the musicians dance in a special way while playing the instruments. You can see they really enjoy what they do.


Describe the genre of music you create. – Well, I have written traditional Mexican songs, pop songs, indie-like rock songs, romantic ballads in spanish, protest-like songs in spanish, some others like the 80´s style and a Reggae song in spanish too. I think I write what I feel like doing at the moment and I do not limit myself to a kind of music.

San Fermines Festival in Pamplona

Any words for the aspiring musicians? – I think we are what we are. We must do what we like as long as it shows what you feel and think. Believe in yourselves. For many people it is easier to say what you cannot do. Tell yourself what you can. Taking it to a professional level is a personal decision but the good beginning is doing what you like and going to school. Learn. Open your perspectives. I have never taken music lessons and I regret about that. I have been a self learner and that is the long way. Take the short one. I am starting guitar lessons now at age 44. If you know music is your life then the sooner the better.

Risky Business

Should the individual that walks the straight path be honoured or ridiculed? It can be argued that said individual is fearful if he or she has never taken risks of a certain magnitude. On the other hand, the huge risk taker can be regarded as reckless and selfish.

Let us get the definition of risk from the gander: –

J says: Risk is the chance that a venture will not go as planned, possibility of an unpleasant/ undesired outcome as a result of an action. I take a risk when entering a relationship  as it may leave me heartbroken.

R says: To me risk is defined as taking that leap without knowing how it’ll play out. To say “well, however this ends, I know I tried”. One risk I can honestly said I took was going on stage for my first freestyle battle, even though I had insane stage fright. Years later people still remember that night so it’s a risk I’m glad that I took.

R says: I consider risk to be a leap of faith into the unknown while hoping for a desired result. I think we all take risks daily but they are often scaled based on implication. I once risked a close friendship for the truth about my sexuality but I got the desired result… haha

The inspiration is free.

Ramblings of November 2008

The views expressed in the following post are not my own. 


The EU have now ruled that ugly fruit and veg will now be allowed in the EU markets. I was not aware that there was such a law not to allow ugly fruit and veg in. In the markets and shops I used to admire the pristine qualities of the produce. Now I know.

So you pick the best and leave the rest for the third world. It is the same way that they brain drain the poor regions? Be real now. What does the ugliness of a fruit or a veg have to do with its goodness and taste? We can’t blame, we must blame ourselves. Anything they want from us are the best. But anything we want from them we don’t care as long as it is from foreign. Kinky carrots, curvy tomato and pot bellied turnips are not welcome. Call it fruit and veg apartheid. “When puss belly full him say rat batty stink”.

But now the credit crunch a lick dem. They can’t afford to buy beautiful food. Spending power cut. So hang on. Ugly carrot suddenly becomes eatable. It is all two faced and patronising. I remember back then when we took bananas to the boxing plant only to be turned away by the selector due to a teeny weeny scracth on one finger on a big ten hand bunch.


The inspiration is free.

Food for Thought

Can convenience and love coexist in a relationship?

X and Y say that they are in love with each other. They have been together for a number of years but they have separate places of abode. Y’s income is higher than that of X’s. Y also has a lesser monthly expense. X has a significantly higher expenditure which Y constantly helps to fund. Y does as he pleases without taking into consideration X’s thoughts and feelings and it really uspets X.

X expresses her dissatisfaction but Y continues with his selfish attitude. So is it the money that keeps X glued to Y?


The inspiration is free.